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Rastar -

1/24 BMW I8 - WHITE

$49.99 $39.99 $10.00

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FULL FUNCTIONAL RASTAR RC CAR - Forward, Reverse, Stop, Turn Left & Right; the car works best on the flat surface and can be used indoors or outdoors.
HIGHLY DETAILED FEATURES - Sharp streamline design, adjustable front wheel alignment, front shock absorbers, rims and tires.
EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE - Radio remote controlled, Speed 4 mph, Remote range up to 82 feet, Single frequency available in 2.4GHz, which allows multi-users to race several cars together at the same time without interference.
BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED - Requires 3 x AA for the Ferrari remote control car and 2 x AA for the remote; Package includes 1 x Rastar remote control toy car 1:24, 1 x dual-grip remote-controller and 1 x manual;
